Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs II

Tolulope Lawrence
4 min readNov 1, 2022


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

(……..Continuation from previous post)

Kingdom Women Who Were Entrepreneurs

  • Priscilla as a tent maker (Acts 18:3)
  • Lydia of Thyratira, a dealer in purple cloth (Acts 16:14–15, 40)
  • The Proverbs 31 Woman
  • Rachael as a shepherd (Genesis 29:9, Exodus 2:16)
  • Sheerah, Ephraim’s daughter a builder (1 Chronicles 7:24)

Why Must a Kingdom Woman Become an Entrepreneur

Through entrepreneurship/business, we can intentionally tackle poverty, increase the quality of life, bring positive social change and carry the message of eternal life. It becomes an avenue to facilitate God’s transformation of people, cultures and nations.

God is inviting today’s businessmen and women to enter cross-cultural settings and take on the role of the “new missionaries”. These individuals must possess a kingdom perspective and eternal values. Kingdom business is now about using the resources the Lord has given you to help others live lives filled with meaning. It is no longer about what you do. As you actively reach out to the unreached and develop your spiritual ability, you will advance the job you undertake for the kingdom of God. Almost anywhere in the world, people spend the most time at either work or in traffic and hence justifies this opportunity.

Billy Graham once said that one of the next moves of God is going to be through the believers in the workplace.

Entrepreneurship as a mission is taking what skills God has placed in your hands and using it for His glory to make a difference in people’s lives. Don’t follow other people’s call instead, follow God’s leadership in your life and let him use you to transform relationships where you’re at.

For a long time, the marketplace has remained the reserve of the children of this world. The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light (Luke 16: 8). God wants to introduce and establish His Kingdom in the marketplace through you. He will show Himself strong on your behalf for His purposes to be fulfilled in the earth.

The church mostly sees full time ministry as the only way to serve God. God is a wise investor, and the gifting He invested in you is for the expansion of His kingdom. The kingdom of God is within you, carry it into your marketplace.

In advancing the kingdom, we are to influence the earth for Christ. The kingdom woman must rise and take her place in the society as God’s agent. There are seven mountains of influence to occupy in order to transform our world for Christ, namely:






•Business (Economy/Finance)

•Arts (Entertainments, celebration, sports)

The mountains of influence are cultures that mold the way people think and influences their daily lives.

The strategy for the church to be able to influence these spheres (7 mountains) and bring transformation to our society, is through the marketplace (workplace) because 90% of our time is spent at work and if we can build and equip the saints to take their positions in the society and see their workplace as part of their God given assignment then the church can begin to positively influence these spheres and occupy places as the principles of the kingdom is being released.

A major challenge the body of Christ has encountered is the ignorance that prevails within the church regarding kingdom economics. The global elite governs the world with the strategy of controlling every financial institution and enslaving people to debts through mortgage, bonds, loans etc. Their goal is also to enslave government as they finance political campaigns and seek to control the government and indirectly enslave a whole nation.

Remember the parable of the dishonest manager who knew how to manipulate the system to profit his own interest against the day of adversity and his lord commended him. - Luke 16:1–12.

Over the years there have been prophetic declarations of Isaiah 60:1–7 about transfer of wealth and the camels which are coming with the kings riding upon it with treasures of the earth. As much as this is true but the reality is that the mountain of business, finance, economy etc. will not be influenced by the church if we only prophesy pray and then seat down. There must be a strategic development of the Joseph’s technology and mindset to train, equip and empower the saints with this grace to engage the mountain of business (finance, economy). A whole new generation of kingdom leaders and saints must be raised up in the marketplace and the economic world that will godly, strategically develop principles to influence and occupy the mountains.

The question before us today is, where are the kingdom people (Josephs) of our days who will administrate and command of the economy?

Deuteronomy 28:8

The LORD will guarantee a blessing on everything you do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

It’s time to pursue entrepreneurship; and God will release His blessing on us to rule the different mountains.

God’s purpose for our dominion mandate was not to rule over humans but over the creation order. We are authorized by God to maintain order in the earth. If we cannot train and position the saints in the places of influence and government, then the wicked will continue to rule, and we will be subjected to the ridicule of the enemy and unlawful decisions that may be detrimental to our faith.

Luke 19:13

Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas, and said to them, engage in business until I come.

God has given us the dominion mandate. Let us therefore take our place and position. Let’s be the government upon the mountains by His grace and let His kingdom come and let His will be done as it is in heaven.


Dan Moore Kris Gage Wake Up Call P.S. I Love You @writingsolo



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